Hi! My name is Jana.
I am a professional illustrator, designer and animator from Bavaria, currently based in Berlin/Germany, with years of experience creating art for indie, retro and niche gaming projects.
I have been officially working under the label of 2DPIXX since 2015, but also held team positions within various indie game collectives before this and am also one of the founders of the Berlin game studio Mirrorscale.
I am available for professional collaborations and interested in networking with like-minded people sharing my creative interests.
Please have a look around and feel free to contact me.

- 2D Game Artist
- M.Sc. Digital Media
- B.A. Media Science
Professional Range
I am a freelancing game artist who specializes within the area of 2d illustration and animation. In the execution of my work I am what is usually described as a generalist since I am able to work with multiple technical approaches and styles.
In regards to techniques I am capable of switching between pixel, vector and handpainted art pretty effortlessly, however when it comes to style directions my current range lies within abstract and stylized visuals.
Furthermore my 2d skills are extended by professional experience within lowpoly 3d work and so called HD2D looks.
I am an asset artist and hold most of my experience within the gameart pipeline directly in the creation of functional, finalized in-game assets.
Service and Asset Works
I am located in Germany but am also used to international remote work especially within the wider indie and various niche gaming scenes.
I am also the creator of a number of licensable assets within trusted game art stores like Unity and Itchio as well as a provider of free game ressources within open content communites like Open Game Art.
I am available for task-based commission work on all of your project specific 2d art and also open to suggestions of full-time project work, depending on circumstances and conditions.
Further information can be found via the colored buttons leading to external links and my personal commission overview.
Game Example Mockup: Arcade First Person Fighter
Game Example Mockup: Casual Puzzle
Game Example Mockup: Topdown Adventure
Game Example Mockup: Graphic Adventure
Game Example Mockup: Tap Shooter
Game Example Mockup: Vertical Racer
Game Example Mockup: Pong
Game Example Mockup: Simple Space Shooter
Community and Networking
Besides my practical professional work, I am also the initiator of a professional community for independent creatives interested in collaboration within the field of Game Art.
Game Artists Global is a skill-based community for game artists, employers and professional collaborators. We are open to everybody with a serious interest in learning, practicing and collaborating within the field.
For further information visit the overview page of Game Artists Global here.